Walk, massage, swim...

Welcome to La Maison 1680,

A luxurious retreat between Cluny and Beaune where you can relax and unwind. Nestled on the heights of the charming village of Couches, our Maison offers a unique experience where nature and tranquility come together.

Welcome to La Maison 1680,

A luxurious retreat between Cluny and Beaune where you can rejuvenate and relax. Nestled on the heights of the charming village of Couches, our Maison offers a unique experience where nature and tranquility come together.

Our heated pool, freshly renovated with local Givry wood terraces, invites you to relax. Enjoy the tranquility accompanied by the birdsong and the whisper of the wind through the surrounding vineyards.
L'allée des marronniers, bordée d'arbres majestueux, offrant une promenade paisible dans notre parc

Surrounded by 2 hectares of lush greenery, our home is a true sanctuary among the trees, where a soothing and warm atmosphere prevails.

Our freshly renovated pool, with its terraces made of local Givry wood, invites you to relax. Enjoy the tranquility accompanied by the birdsong and the whisper of the wind among the surrounding vineyards.

Surrounded by 2 hectares of lush greenery, our residence is a true sanctuary among the trees, where a soothing and warm atmosphere prevails.

Fruit therapy, Californian, Balinese, or personalized massage—you choose the duration and setting (in-room or in the forest), and we guarantee you a moment of absolute relaxation.

Fruitithérapie, massage Californien, Balinais ou personnalisé, c’est vous qui choisissez la durée et le cadre (en chambre ou en forêt) et nous vous garantissons un moment de détente absolue.